Monday, November 30, 2015

Is it Christian and Pro-Life to Shoot up an Abortion Clinic?

I do not know anything about the Planned Parenthood shooter. I was on a kind-of internet and news hiatus over the weekend.

I can tell you a couple of things without looking.

1. This is no Christian, no matter what the media will want to tell you. Christians do not murder people-even if those people are murdering babies and selling their body parts. Christians are people who have repented of their sins, and have the nature of Christ imputed to them through the power of the Holy Spirit. They no longer have it within their nature to commit murder.

2. This person is not pro-life- A person who is a Christian is pro life, and that means all life. Christians believe that all people's lives matter- whatever race, religion, creed, or sexual identification. It also does not matter the location and size of the person- whether in a womb or out, their lives matter. Christians do not believe that murder demonstrates a consistent pro-life worldview.

3. There were murders happening in that 'Planned Parenthood' clinic before, during, and after the shooting. These murders will continue until such time as people repent and believe the Gospel, Of course, overturning Roe v. Wade would be a great start. But, like murder outside the womb, abortion is not going to be stopped through legislation or a political process. It will only stop when people have a new heart, character, and nature- through believing the Gospel.

Please pray for the person who did the shooting and the family members of those who were killed and injured. Pray also that this will be a wake up call to those working in the clinic. Sometimes when your life is threatened, it makes you take stock of your life. I pray they will repent and believe in the Gospel before it is too late.

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